Elyse Harman is a Materials Science & Engineering major graduating in 2021, and a participant in Dr. Arróyave’s group since 2019. Elyse models phase changes during alloy solidification by the phase-field method. These models produce predictions for the microstructure evolution during additive manufacturing, which informs the tailoring of final properties. Her other research interests include numerical methods, plasma physics, and optics.
Aiden Long
My name is Aiden Long, a sophomore Materials Science and Engineering student here at Texas A&M University. I have experience coding in Python and C++ and plan on achieving a minor in computer science while helping Sofia in her research. I and my fellow undergraduates will be reading literature and inputting the data we find into the database while also completing specific projects given by Sofia when necessary. I hope to gain machine learning and coding experience as well as developing my knowledge in materials science while applying that knowledge with this research. This will be the beginning of my career in research and I’m very excited to learn and help the team in every way I can.