Vahid is the newest Doctor in the lab! He successfully defended his PhD dissertation on 25th September.
CALPHAD XLVII Conference — Successfully Finished!
Group BBQ with Halloween Theme
CALPHAD XLVII Conference — First Announcement!

Dr. Arroyave becomes full professor
The group celebrated Dr. Arroyave becoming a full professor recently.
Congratulations to Anas!!
ANAS graduated and started his graduate studies @ Berkeley. Congratulation Anas… [Summer 2017]
Random Links
In this page, we are collecting interesting links related to science, academia and society*
How to become a computational scientist?
- The Illustrated Guide to a PhD (from Prof. Matt Might)
Interesting Science Blogs
- Cosmic Variance (Collective blog by cosmologists)
- A Quantum Diaries Survivor (Particle Physics)
- RealClimate
Materials Science + Engineering Blogs
- Materials Science Blogs (collection)
- iMechanica
Sharing Linux Folders on Windows using Virtual box
*(Disclaimer: the views expressed in the web pages I link to do not necessarily represent my views on the issues. In some cases they might, though.)
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Congratulations to Thien!!
Thien is the newest Doctor in the lab! He successfully defended his PhD thesis on 16th October.